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Annotated Bibliographies


Author Unknown. “Athletic Training.” National Athletic Trainers’ Association. 2014. Web. 11 December 2014.



  • This article gives a brief explanation of the career of Athletic Training.  It talks about athletic training terminology, job settings, profile of an athletic trainers, and education overview of athletic trainers.  “Athletic Trainers (ATs) are healthcare professionals who collaborate with physicians to provide preventative services, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions.”  Athletic trainers can work in many different environments including collegiate and professional sports teams, sports medicine clinics, and even with the military and performing arts.


Potential Quotes

  • “Athletic Trainers (ATs) are healthcare professionals who collaborate with physicians to provide preventative services, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions.”

    “Athletic Trainers treat a breadth of patients, including not only limited to: professional, collegiate, secondary school and young athletes, dancers, musicians and military personnel.”  


Assessment/Evaluation of Source

  • This source is reliable because it is a website that is all about athletic training.  It states exactly what an athletic trainer is and what their qualifications are.  It gives valid information that is important to anyone that is wanting to become an athletic trainer.  Because it is an .org website, there will be some bias but most of the facts will be valid.



  • This article fits my research for my big Spring project because it gives valid information for stating what an Athletic Trainer is.  This source was very helpful in finding out more about an brief overview of what athletic trainers are.  This website, as a whole, will be very handy in my future as I attend college in order to become an Athletic trainer.




WOLVERTON, BRAD, and Jonah Newman. "Coach Makes The Call." Chronicle Of Higher Education 60.1 (2013): A45-A49. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 14 Sept. 2014.



  • This article contains information about athletic concussions and how athletic trainers are “making the call” about players returning to the field. But new research suggests that the medical staff’s responsible for protecting collegiate athletes often do not have the authority to do so. Many trainers have felt pressure from football coaches to return concussed players to action before they were medically ready. “Nearly half of the major-college football trainers who responded to a recent Chronicle survey say they have felt pressure from football coaches to return concussed players to action before they were medically ready.” (Wolverton 2)  The article states how some trainers have been fired from their jobs because of them not following coaches important instructions for their players. It gives real stories of trainers, players and coaches that have experienced trouble with each other. Some resulting in becoming fired or moving schools


Potential Quotes

  • “Nearly half of the major-college football trainers who responded to a recent Chronicle survey say they have felt pressure from football coaches to return concussed players to action before they were medically ready.” (p.2)  

  • “Skepticism about concussions goes beyond coaches. One Division I athletic director in Illinois thinks concussions are a "bunch of hype spurred on by the media," one survey respondent wrote. According to that university's head trainer, the athletic director and the coach have objected when medical staff tried to hold out concussed players. Elite athletes also under-report head injuries, recent studies have shown, in some cases because they don't want to lose playing time or risk having their scholarships revoked.” (p.3)


Assessment/Evaluation of Source

  • This article was published by Chronicle of Higher Education, a company that gives information about higher education and holds meetings, seminars, workshops, and classified employment advertising for higher education administrators. But, since the URL address ends in .com, that means that the source is a commercial source.  This means that often times the information is heavily bias towards one opinion over other one.  This appears on a credible source because it was found on Galileo.  It also is  well-documented  and well-written because it states valid information and it gives other topics throughout the article that I can use for later reference.



  • I will use this article for my big Spring project for Honors Mentorship. I will support my findings from this article with more research and articles about Athletic Training.  This article was helpful for my research and it definitely related to my topic of athletic training.  It gave me further knowledge in concussions that will help me in my mentorship and in my Spring project.

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